Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Happy Birthday Joey!

Joey had a birthday yesterday!   

He is also a great Uncle.   We are so glad he married Britta!   The kids love to be with him.  They love the songs he makes up for them all the time.   (I will have to see if I can get the Zachary song from James to post on here)   I love to play games with Joey and hang out at Grandma's house.  He is so smart and talented.  I don't personally know anyone who can write a song like he does.

Nick says:  He is so good at writing songs and singing.  He is so nice to me.
Ben says:  I like his guitar and he is so funny!

I will have to round up some pictures of Joey!

1.  Joey
2. Fun Uncles
3. Great music


erik said...

Good post. I have some photos, but the best will be the new ones from last weekend. Give James a call...

Unknown said...

Awww shucks.

Anonymous said...

How what happen to my birthday tribute? I guess I don't rate . . . j/k! Happy Birthday, Joey! So glad we could help you celebrate in part.

Tara said...

Yeah Sorry Joc! I am definitely hit and miss with the birthday thing. You know I love you tons!! Right off hand I know that I missed my brother Eric, Chifumi, Jocelyn, Ilda, Taggart, Tyler, Vance, Lauren... So if I missed you, I am sorry, I still Love you and maybe next year I will do better.