Thursday, July 17, 2008

Family Vacation

Erik and I were glad to finally take the kids on an actually family vacation.  It has been a long time.  Our original plan was to take them to California to visit my Grandma and then do something like Legoland.  Unfortunately we found out that our car needs a new engine, so to keep expenses down we decided to go to St. George.  We love St. George.  I get to go there a few times a year with my sisters and the cousins, but the boys were thrilled to have Erik there with us.   Thanks to my parents for letting us use their condo!  

We had a great time.  We were especially glad to see our friends Paul and Elayna.  They looked great.  They are also really good friends.  We won't let some much time pass before we see them again.
We went to the "sprinkler park", of course, lots of swimming, played racquetball, saw "Kung Fu Panda", saw "Wall-E", ate at the pizza factory, played at the park, went for a nature walk, (we saw some more frogs, ducks, birds, rabbits, horses and more) went to Sandhollow where Nick picked up a mild case of swimmers itch! (yuck), we did some shopping, hiking etc...

We had a great time, were happy to be home and I was completely exhausted.


Unknown said...

Glad you guys had a good time. Brandon and I need to go down there with just our little family-it looks fun.

erik said...

It was a great timee. Thanks for the write-up Tara. It was funny how Ben made friends with the owner of the Bear Paw, where we had a nice breakfast together. It was a great time.