Nothing but parties at our house! We had Father's Day, My Birthday and Ben's Birthday all in a row. We had a blast, but now I have to put my house back together. Ben decide to invite all of his cousins to his party (unfortunately the Hodgsons couldn't make it, because their life is even crazier than ours, and of course Anna is in Seattle, Erika, We Love you too!), so we moved the location to the park. The Aunts were good sports and came to hang out, so I had lots of help.
Ben spent the week before, planning all the snacks that we were going to have for his Stars Wars party/lego star wars party/Mace Windu vs. Darth Vader party. I have never seen a four year old with so many demands and expectations of what a birthday party should include. This was his first after all, so I did indulge him a bit. (He usually just gets a cake and sung to at the Weeks June family birthday/father's day party).
He chose Red and Purple for the decorations, which were balloons and streamers. He wanted Jedi snacks (red and purple Cap'n Crunchberries), cheetos (Mom, do they have purple cheetos?) Jello Jigglers in the shape of stars, star wars cupcakes and Mace Windu lightsabers. (It took me longer than you would think to figure out the I could dip pretzel rods into purple stuff). The final touch was a Death Star pinata that his Dad, Nick and I made. It was actually a pretty fun project for us.

The Death Star, before it got destroyed!

The party was fun and Aunt Maren had the idea of a squirt gun fight, which turned out to be great in the 90 degree weather. We had a great time and and thanks to everyone who helped and came to the party!
Later that day, Dad came home early and we took Ben to the Olive Garden (some kids choose McDonalds, ours choose Olive Garden) where he beamed through the singing and the cake. He loved it! I wish I had taken my camera. He kept saying, "thank you, thank you for my birthday", to everyone working there. The best moment for me... when tucking him in bed, way to late, he gave me a hug and said, "Thank you for my party Mom, I love you."

1. BEN
2. it's over.
3. being a mother