Soccer has begun again. We sat there freezing last night watching Ben's game (minus Erik). I didn't take pictures, but I just wanted to document Ben's first GOAL. Of course, I missed it because Zach hates watching soccer games in the the freezing cold "spring." But apparently it was pretty impressive, especially since last fall he was trying to find babies to talk to (and their mom's) or trying to perfect his sommersault. All of the parents said how impressed they were and that he must have practiced a lot. I didn't tell them that he hasn't seen a soccer ball since the last game. Nick starts tomorrow. Erik unfortunately probably won't make it to the games because of work, anyone want to come with me???
Soccer season already! Not my favorite, but especially not when it is cold!!! That is a cute picture of your boys! Good Job!
Yea Ben! Cool. I love soccer so for me it is way fun to watch. And I know the reverence of Cabelas I have a husband that feels the revernece you talk of there. My kids have had fun in there too. It's been a while since we've been there.
I wish our kids were reverent in Cabela's.
I wish our boys were reverent at Cabela's.
Love the picture of Ben and Zach. Handsome fellows.
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