Friday, January 16, 2009

I love you Erik!

 Yes it is quite late, but I still wanted to acknowledge Erik's birthday.   He became another year older on December 30.  Here are some of the things, I love about him:

He is very talented.
He is handsome
He is athletic
He supports me (and even indulges me)
He is fun
He loves ME
He is a hardworker
He has a strong testimony
He wrestles with the boys
He is kind
He takes out the garbage
He can do anything he sets his mind to
He respects his parents and mine
He teaches our children great things
He always tries to do what is right
He is always willing to help others


Unknown said...

Thanks Peanit! I love you too!

carol said...

I heard you had a HAPPY BIRTHDAY ERIK - Glad you got to spend it with your siblings and mom. I love that picture of you and the boys. We are glad you are in our family.

Amy {The Idea Room} said...

Happy Birthday! How old are you getting now? HeHe! I can only say that cause you are older than me!

erik said...

Thanks all... My heart's still ticking Amy. When I was a kid, I had a pet dinosaur though.