Friday, December 12, 2008


Send your own ElfYourself eCards


Amy {The Idea Room} said...

Too Funny! Ben and Erik were especially cracking us up for some reason! Lauren thinks yours is funnier than ours! Must be that you are better dancers for sure!

erik said...

Nicholas and Benjamin have been working on their dancing skills for this very keen performance.... Good job boys!

Unknown said...

I love your face Tara, you are so serious, yet a little happy to be dancing. Ben makes me laugh so hard! That is funny. I love this elf yourself thing. Just curious how long it took you before you finally finished it? It took Amy and I quite some time to get it done.

Tara said...

I admit that I spent at least an hour. Probably an hour and a half. Great time waster this computer is. I actually only have two pictures of me on my computer, where my head isn't half covered by some kids head. But it works.